⚓️ The clock that invites you to dream ⛵️

How do I set my tide clock?

1st method (the most precise)

This method is based on a new moon day, for which the precision of the adjustment will be optimal.

  1. Consult the tide times on a tide calendar ( MeteoMarine website for example)
  2. Select the port of your choice
  3. Select the date of Tuesday September 3, 2024 (next new moon)
  4. Identifying the time of high tide
  5. Enter the time in the field below and validate

  1. Place the needle as follows:

2nd method

  1. Identify a day with a high coefficient on a tide calendar
  2. Position the needle vertically, at High Tide
  3. On the day and time of high tide, insert the battery into the clock